


This privacy policy (this “Policy”) has been compiled to better serve those who are concerned with how their personal information is 使用d by 沙巴SB体育网站官网 (“沙巴SB体育网站官网”,  “us”, 或“我们”). 请仔细阅读本政策,以清楚了解我们如何收集, 使用, 并披露您或第三方提供的个人信息. Providing personal information or authorizing a third party to disclose personal information to us signifies your consent to 沙巴SB体育网站官网’s collection, 根据本政策使用和披露您的个人信息.

为本政策之目的, “personal information” means information that can identify an individual directly or through other reasonably available means.  The meaning of “personal information” shall be interpreted in a manner that conforms with the minimum requirements of applicable provincial and federal privacy legislation.


We collect personal information by fair and lawful means and limit collection to that information which is necessary for the purposes identified in this Policy.  我们可能收集的个人信息类型包括:您的姓名, 电子邮件地址, address, 电话号码, 房屋类型, 你的房子是哪年建成的, 你的家的特点(e).g. type of flooring; whether your home is dry in the winter, etc.),你的家庭特征(如.g. whether anyone suffers from allergies or asthma; whether you have any pets), etc., 的付款信息, 信用评分和其他财务信息, 以及您提供给我们的其他信息, 或者我们的员工或独立承包商.


个人信息可以通过多种方式收集, 包括:当面, 通过电话, 通过邮件, 通过传真, 在互联网上, 以及您授权向我们披露个人信息的第三方.

当您在我们的网站上注册时,我们会收集您的信息, 下订单, 订阅时事通讯或在我们的网站上输入信息.

如果您认为第三方向我们不当披露了您的个人信息, 请直接联系该第三方.  如果第三方没有充分答复您的询问,请立即通知我们.  

您的个人信息只会按照收集的目的被使用或披露, 除非您另有同意或法律要求或允许的情况除外.


To personalize your experience and to allow us to deliver the type of content and product offerings in which you are most interested.
经营和管理我们的业务(包括计划), 质量改进, 处理付款, 报告, 资源分配, 和处理, 验证, 送你的订单).
了解人口统计, 利益, 使用模式, 我们的客户和潜在客户等特点.
To provide information to our employees and the independent contractors that we retain in connection with the provision of services to you (including the delivery and installation of products that you ordered, 以及安装后的任何维修和保养).


Our website is scanned on a regular basis for security holes and known vulnerabilities in order to make your visit to our site as safe as possible. 我们使用常规的恶意软件扫描.

Your personal information is contained behind secured networks and is only accessible by a limited number of persons who have special access rights to such systems, 并被要求对这些信息保密. 除了, 您提供的所有敏感/信用信息都通过安全套接字层(SSL)技术加密.

当用户下订单时,我们实现了各种安全措施, 提交, 或访问其信息以维护您个人信息的安全.



是的. Cookies are small files that a site or its service provider transfers to your device through your Web browser (if you allow) that enables the site’s or service provider’s systems to recognize your browser and capture and remember certain information. 例如,我们使用cookie来帮助我们记住和处理您购物车中的商品. 它们还用于帮助我们根据以前或当前的网站活动了解您的偏好, 使我们能够为您提供更好的服务. We also 使用 cookies to help us compile aggregate data about site traffic and site interaction so that we can offer better site experiences and tools in the future.

• Compile aggregate data about site traffic and site interactions in order to offer better site experiences and tools in the future. 我们也可能使用可信的第三方服务来代表我们跟踪这些信息.

您可以选择让您的设备在每次发送cookie时警告您, 或者您可以选择关闭所有cookie. 这可以通过浏览器设置来实现. 因为每个浏览器都有点不同, 我们建议您查看浏览器的帮助菜单,了解修改cookie的正确方法.

如果你把cookies关掉, 一些使您的站点体验更有效的功能可能无法正常运行.

We will only disclose your personal information to third parties if you have so consented or if required or permitted by law.    

The type of information we are legally required to disclose may relate to criminal investigations or government tax 报告 requirements.  在某些情况下, 如法律程序或法院命令, 我们也可能被要求向当局披露您的个人信息.  Only the information specifically requested is disclosed and we take precautions to satisfy ourselves that the authorities that are making the disclosure request have legitimate grounds to do so.  

在法律允许的情况下,我们可能会披露您的个人信息, 例如在使用合理和合法的方法来行使您的权利的过程中, 行使我们的权利, 或调查涉嫌非法活动.  We may release certain personal information when we believe that such release is reasonably necessary to protect the rights, 保护自己和他人的财产和安全.  

You also understand and agree that we may 使用 your personal information and disclose your personal information to third parties in connection with the proposed or actual financing, 保险, 出售, 证券化, assignment or other disposal of all or part of our business or assets (including accounts) for the purposes of evaluating and/or performing the proposed transaction.  这些目的可能包括, 为例, 允许当事人决定是否继续进行交易, 履行对这些方的任何报告或审计要求, 和/或披露个人信息作为完成出售或转让资产的一部分.  我们的继承人和受让人可以收取, 使用和披露您的个人信息的目的与本政策所述的目的基本相同.  在交易没有通过的情况下, 我们将要求, 契约式, the other party or parties to the transaction not to 使用 or disclose your personal information in any manner whatsoever for any purpose, 并归还或销毁该等个人资料.  

Your personal information may be provided to our employees and the independent contractors that we retain in connection with the provision of services to you (including the delivery and installation of products that you order, 以及安装后的任何维修和保养). 您的付款信息将提供给我们的第三方付款处理机构,以便处理您的付款. Your personal information may be provided to Financeit or other financial institutions if you complete a credit application in connection with a proposed purchase of our products and services.

我们可能会将您的非个人信息提供给第三方用于营销, 广告, 或者其他用途.


本网站受本政策所述条款及惯例规管.  我们的网站可能包含指向不受本政策约束的第三方网站的链接.  虽然我们努力只链接到网站分享我们对您的隐私的承诺, please be aware that this Policy will no longer apply once you leave our website and that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of third party sites.  We therefore suggest that you closely examine the respective privacy policies of third party websites to learn how they collect, 使用和披露您的个人信息.  


作为第三方供应商,谷歌使用cookie在我们的网站上投放广告. 谷歌’s 使用 of the DART cookie enables it to serve ads to our 使用rs based on previous visits to our site and other sites on the Internet. 用户可以通过进入谷歌广告设置页面来修改谷歌如何向他们投放广告的首选项. 另外, 使用rs can opt out by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative Opt Out page or by using the 谷歌 Analytics Opt Out Browser add on.

We, 以及谷歌等第三方供应商, 使用 first-party cookies (such as the 谷歌 Analytics cookies) and third-party cookies (such as the DoubleClick cookie) or other third-party identifiers together to compile data regarding 使用r interactions with ad impressions and other ad service functions as they relate to our website.



要求, we will also inform you of: the type of personal information we have collected; how your personal information has been 使用d; and any third parties to whom your personal information has been disclosed.
